Tai Chi Chuan

     “Tai Chi Chuan” had been a unique cultural tradition to the Chinese for over 300 years. In the beginning, only the families of government officials,the rich and,the noble could afford, to learn it but it became popular among the commoners in the last century.

     There were two extreme lines of flow in “Tai Chi Chuan” – as branch of “Martial Arts” and as a “Regimen of Life”. During the earlier stage some masters of “Tai Chi Chuan” put more emphasis on using it as an offense weapon by doing so, they made enemies for themselves. As time went by advanced technologies brought nd a more and more powerful, lethal weapons. Hence “Tai Chi” was developed towards “strengthening the body, lengthening enriching life.

     “Tai Chi” as a “Regimen Life” is a perfect ,artistic and systematic way of exercising the body. It is not “just” a branch of “Martial Arts” but actually a way to cultivate oneself and to build up a moral ego.

     “Tai Chi” cannot substitute medicine or cure diseases. However, it is a way to prevent illnesses speed up the rate of recuperation, it is especially effective towards the respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, nerve system, bones and muscles, sleeplessness, diabetes, strokes, arthritis and constipation.

     It takes an average of three months to learn “Tai Chi” and can be easily picked up by male and female,child or elderly. It can also be practiced anywhere with good ventilation

Written by: Grandmaster Way Yue Choy